We Distribute Your News

If you want your news to achieve a greater impact, it is essential to distribute them properly. Media One offers the most complete and specialized distribution service where professional news are always segmented reaching the widest possible audience.

What We Do

We distribute segmented releases

We position your news on web portals and valued media

We validate the content before distributing

What We Do Not Do

We do not do spam or mass mailings

We do not do low quality multiposting penalized by search engines

We do not distribute low quality releases


More than 20,000 journalists, bloggers and other recipients are waiting for your news to echo them. All of them have selected their topics of interest; therefore, we can guarantee that your releases will reach the right audience.

Social network

The fastest way to share content is through social networks. To facilitate the broadcast of your press releases we publish them in major social networks so that users can share them easily.

Blogs and specialized websites

One of the best ways to spread news is through specialized digital media such as blogs and web portals because of their segmented audience. In order to reach audience specialized in your sector; we send your press release to these digital media to be echoed.

Mass Media

We send press releases to the editors of the main national media online and offline, including newspapers, radio stations and television channels.

Search engines

It is important that your brand and your content appear well positioned compared to those of your competition. Once you publish your releases in Media One they will appear in the major search engines so that your news reaches the audience looking for content in your sector.